
Why Hot Tubs Are Taking So Long To Get Delivered During COVID-19


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Coronavirus, COVID-19, the ‘Rona… Whatever you want to call it, we can all agree that it’s been one big ball of stress. For many, it even means heartache. It’s easy to look around and see how certain aspects of our society have been directly affected. “The Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020,” for instance, is one glaring effect. But there are also the unforeseen problems caused by the pandemic, like the seemingly never-ending wait to receive the hot tub you ordered. As a family-owned business, everyone here at Mastercraft views our customers as just that: family. We’d love to take a minute and help explain why hot tubs are taking so long to get delivered to our patient patrons. 

Skyrocketing Demand for Spas Nationwide

Once word got out a few months ago that we were hunkering down to slow the spread, the spa industry saw a demand like never before. Families who had to cancel their summer vacations decided to invest in a staycation instead. They wanted to invest in something that could be enjoyed all year round, like an incredible hot tub. 

Others made the best of their newfound alone time. They rightly decided to put themselves first for once with the well deserved self-care and wellness that can only be found in a soothing spa. Many people heard of the incredible health benefits that come from soaking regularly in a hot tub. Who could blame them for running out to get one of their own? 

And, of course dads everywhere suddenly needed to fill their time with home improvement projects. What better time to bring properties back to their former glory than during a quarantine? And what more exciting way to dress up the out-of-doors than with a beautiful new hot tub?

All of these are wonderful reasons to own a spa. However, it also means a skyrocket in hot tub sales all over the country! But where there’s a high demand, there must also be a high supply. 

Quarantine’s Effect on the Supply Chain

After states throughout the nation had to close their factories, businesses, and even borders, manufacturers quickly fell behind. Not only were people out of work in factories, there also became a shortage in high-quality materials. There are a lot of pieces that make up a premium spa. With home improvements going through the roof (pun intended), it meant that even when factories started running again, a lot of areas lacked the materials they needed to immediately start filling a backlog of orders.

What can we do?

As the saying goes, “It ain’t over till the fat lady sings”, and we’re not throwing in the towel! Our amazing team at Mastercraft Pool & Spa is more dedicated than ever before to bringing the very BEST customer experience, especially when it comes to both our services and products. Hot tubs are taking so long to get delivered during Covid-19, but they are coming. And they are definitely worth the wait! If you have any questions or concerns regarding your hot tub, or you’d like to shop our available options, contact us! We also carry a vast array of spa accessories like cover lifters and top-of-the-line water care chemicals to make owning your hot tub as much fun as using it.


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