
How a Hot Tub Helps with Spring Allergies


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Ugg… those dreadful sniffles, sneezes, watery eyes, and sore throat. These are all the tell-tale signs of spring allergies. But this year could change everything for you, because this time around, you have a hot tub. Ditch the over-the-counter medicine that leaves you feeling drowsy and combat your sinus symptoms by simply soaking in a tub of bliss.

Clear Your Congestion

It’s not a new discovery that heat and steam are good for head congestion. In fact, it’s one of the fail-proof home remedies for just about any sickness. That’s why it should come as no surprise that sinking into a tub of hot water opens your nasal passages, clears your head of congestion, and eases your scratchy throat. So, instead of hovering over a pot of boiling water, try sitting in your hot tub. You’ll instantly enjoy better breathing. 

Soak Away Body Aches

Hot tubs elevate your body’s core temperature, which in turn helps it fight off bacteria much like a fever does. Allow the water to ease the stress on your joints and muscles while fighting off pollen and dust particles that leave you feeling less than your best. You can also use the jets to soothe away tension you may not have realized you had, thanks to your body’s overcompensation when you don’t feel well.

Charge Up on Energy

Once you have your symptoms of spring allergies under control, you’ll be able to rest both your mind and your body. Better sleep has been proven to boost your immune system, making recovery times shorter and sickness overall easier for your body to deal with. It also doesn’t hurt that you can treat symptoms without medicine that can leave you drowsy, or fuzzy in the head. 

Ready to soak away your allergy symptoms with a hot tub? Let Mastercraft Pool & Spa create a personal oasis you can enjoy all year long. Contact us today and we’ll get started on helping you search for the right spa. We can also take care of all your landscaping needs — creating a private retreat with everything you need for the ultimate spa experience. 


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